11 A-Side Online Course

About this product

If you coach an 11 A-Side team this course is for you. This online program gives you a complete operating system to train your team. You will receive plans, protocols and resources to coach effectively. The same content we have used at professional academies worldwide is now available to you.


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A Complete Program

This 11 A-Side Course provides you a complete operating system to manage a team. It is our most extensive and detailed online course for those interested implementing an inspirational program. We will walk you through a proven process to build a competitive club or college team. The results are astonishing.

On Your Schedule

Our 11-A-Side Course is a thorough program. You will work at your own pace, on your own schedule with access at your convenience. Connect from anywhere at any time as you dig deep into purposeful content. You will have access to the material for 60 days. Rush through it or take your time – the choice is yours.

Start Today

Enroll today. You gain immediate access to the online material and can begin your journey to extraordinary. We look forward to providing you a dynamic, innovative and practical program that will forever change the way that you lead your teams. Click and learn.

TOVO 11 A-Side Cost: $695

Meet Your Instructor

“Todd has clear ideas and presents them in a way that people enjoy and understand.” – Johan Cruyff

Beane is a coach of coaches. He is recognized worldwide as a thought leader on talent activation. Whether speaking to audiences, teaching in the classroom, or training on the field, Beane is an educator devoted to maximizing human potential.

Beane collaborated with Johan Cruyff for 14 years delivering professional development programs to top flight clubs: FC Barcelona, Ajax Amsterdam, Los Angeles FC, Mamelodi Sundowns FC, and Chivas Guadalajara.

A graduate of Dartmouth College and Stanford University. Todd Beane remains committed to delivering dynamic, practical and proven programs to athletes and coaches at all levels of sport.

What They Say About Us...

“Thank you for a phenomenal course. It was a journey to the extraordinary, that left me with a template to help my players succeed!” – Rob D.

“Thank you, Todd. My experience of working and learning from you was amazing. I learned so much and I’m grateful for everything.” – Rulani M.

“This course was by far the best coaching course I have ever done. The content and the training are second to none.” – Gary M.

“My coaching lens is more refined now. This course has brought more clarity into my coaching.” – Terry M.

“An overall amazing experience that delivers an inspirational and thought provoking course!” – Matt E.

“I found the material insightful and beneficial for all age groups and coaching levels” – Frank C.

Join our TOVO Family

You are not merely taking a course; you are joining a family.

Whether you take an online course or join us in person, you are joining our global network of passionate coaches. From coaching an U7 team in Texas to the 1st team of Ajax in Amsterdam, our coaches care about the athletes in our charge. Coaches in our network share their stories and experience openly for your benefit. You will be amazed by the willingness of others to welcome you to the TOVO Family.



Welcome to a complete operating system to manage an 11 A-Side team. We will explain how to proceed step by step to take full advantage of the content within this program. This course presents a clear, coherent and practical team management and training solution.


Step One: Inquire
We will introduce you to our TOVO Academy IDEA process. The first step is to answer core questions that will guide program design and execution. We will then explore more questions that will add even greater clarity to a holistic training program. This allows you to cross reference your answers to those we provide from TOVO and customize your program accordingly.


Step Two: Design
With pertinent questions answered, you will explore design thinking and its application to program design. Several workshop exercises will help you create the protocols and models required to prepare both you and your team for success. We will share with you the very models and processes we use currently with our TOVO athletes. From player and coaching models to training mandates, there is design work critical to the process.


Step Three: Execute
There is nothing more challenging and rewarding than putting into action a well thought out plan. Your game model will come to life each training session and ultimately on match day. We will introduce you to the practical steps required to execute the program effectively and efficiently. We present to you the concepts and principles that will be the foundation of your training program.


Step Four: Assess
Executing a program and refining it will require evaluation processes and mechanisms you build into your program. We will address what we call the “duality dilemma”: to asses both individual and team performance. With pre-determined metrics, you will have in place the final pieces to the IDEA Process puzzle. Choosing the right metrics allows you to document your success as a coach and the development of your athletes.


Game Model Phases
We will share with you the TOVO Game Model. But more importantly, you will build your own to meet the needs of the players within your club, community or college. We have flushed out 6 Game Phases and 20 Tactical Actions to play a dynamic and fluid attacking football. We provide a detailed explanation of each and every one of these concepts.


Position Play
Johan Cruyff’s wisdom comes to light in this section. We will introduce you to the elements of Position Play that lead to fluid and dynamic football. Many speak of Position Play, but you are gaining access to an instructor that worked with him directly for fourteen years. Concept by concept we map out the details.


Principles of Play
We will present the Principles of Play associated with our Game Model. In each case, we detail the concept and the practical application of the concept to the training ground. You are constructing a thorough program to introduce your own ideas as we share the fourteen Principles of Play we employ with competitive club and college teams.


Training Implementation
The plans, protocols and processes you have created in previous lessons turn into training sessions. We will detail specific exercises we employ to teach every concept in our expansive TOVO Content Map. Exercise by exercise, session by session, we will take you through it to make the program implementation easy.


Training Position Play
We have already introduced you to the Position Play elements in a previous lesson. Now, we teach Position Play through engaging and dynamic exercises. You will learn how to maximize learning and joy through training sessions that inspire your players. Each concept will be highlighted with sample sessions provided. Explore the exercises that you can add to your portfolio in a very practical manner.


Training Movement
Working with teenagers or young adults brings with it certain demands to ensure their well-being and physical fitness. We will share with you our activation protocol that includes mobility, stability and duel force exercises. This is not your traditional warm-up process, but it is one that is an effective and efficient use of training time. Reduce injuries and build fitness in an innovative manner.


Training Ball Control
Technical precision is critical to a player’s capacity to execute an idea. In this section, we will share with you our approach to ball control skills. This program emphasizes the application of skill in context. The exercises we present demand a lot of a player with respect to technical skill. We share the relationship between cognition and competence to develop players of vision, precision and pace.


Training Principles of Play
In this section, we get into some core principles that coaches can teach and apply to many systems of play. Training these principles requires an understanding of how to set up exercises that demand that a player both understand and execute the concept. All exercises will be in context so that you can easily determine if your athletes understand the tactical relationships required to compete effectively.


Training Game Phases
Our Game Model consists of six Game Phases. Three of these phases we train to defend well. Three of the phases we present to attack effectively. We have presented these phases in previous lessons, but now it is time to detail how to train them with your team. Your players will learn to defend and attack both individually and collectively through these productive training sessions.


We will review the Course Outcomes and remind you of the depth and breadth of your program. The next steps will be yours to implement, but as you do you will have a remarkably coherent program in place to guide you. You will walk away with a fully flushed out program to put into place right away while you respect the unique nature of your players and the community in which you work.

TOVO 11 A-Side Online Course